PHP Format Phone Number Function

Error message

Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in GeSHi->_optimize_regexp_list_tokens_to_string() (line 4698 of /home/digipiph/public_html/sites/all/libraries/geshi/geshi.php).

Below is a short function that will take any 10 or 9 digit number and convert it into the following phone format: 555-555-5555

function phn_numb($numb) {
  if (!is_numeric(substr($numb, 0, 1))  && !is_numeric(substr($numb, 1, 1))) { return $numb; }
  $chars = array(' ', '(', ')', '-', '.');
  $numb = str_replace($chars, "", $numb);
  if (strlen($numb) > 10) {
    // a 10 digit number, format as 1-800-555-5555
    $numb = substr($numb, 0, 1) . '-' . substr($numb, 1, 3) . '-' . substr($numb, 4, 3) . '-' . substr($numb, 7, 4);
  else {
    $numb = substr($numb, 0, 3) . '-' . substr($numb, 3, 3) . '-' . substr($numb, 5, 4);
  return $numb;
// Example
$phonenumber = 2345678910;
echo phn_num($phonenumber); //result 234-567-8910
