d.cochran's blog

Error message

Deprecated function: Function create_function() is deprecated in GeSHi->_optimize_regexp_list_tokens_to_string() (line 4698 of /home/digipiph/public_html/sites/all/libraries/geshi/geshi.php).

Creating Namespaces with Javascript

The below example shows how to create namespaces with javascript.


Inserting into a BLOB is just as easy as inserting into any field.

Here is the example query that we can use to change a "field" to "Insert Value":

UPDATE table SET field = 's:12:"Insert Value"' WHERE id = 'uniqueid';

Here is how we can display info from BLOB into text.

Creating Sprite (character) Movement with Javascript and jQuery Ver. 1.2

See Digipiph Game Manager, a HTML5 framework to create character based, moveable sprites and much more!

Skip the theory and walk through and learn by example. Click here to see the demo.

Creating Sprite (character) Movement with Javascript and jQuery Ver. 1.1

See Digipiph Game Manager, a HTML5 framework to create character based, moveable sprites and much more!

UPDATE: See the newer version 1.2

Creating Sprite (character) Movement with Javascript and jQuery Ver. 1.0

See Digipiph Game Manager, a HTML5 framework to create character based, moveable sprites and much more!

UPDATE: See step 2 (ver. 1.1).

Thawte SSL 123 CA Bundle

Well talk about horrible documentation and poor search results. Whenever I install SSL certificates on our server I always need to hunt down the CA bundle. Yes, I have saved this as a file several times. However, whatever computer I save the Thawte SSL 123 CA bundle on always seems to crash and I always lose the CA bundle! A curse? Maybe...

I will place this hear to save others time in searching (hopefully).

Setup a simple cURL connection to POST data using PHP

cURL is used to send "POST" data from one web page to another behind the scenes.

If cURL is enabled on your server, it is fairly easy to setup. I had trouble finding a page that broke setting up a cURL connection down to its most simplest form by showing a cURL example, so I decided to post a page for it.

Example: cURL setup with PHP

Update MySQL PDO Function

Below is a PDO update function that I wrote to save me time from
constantly constructing the PDO update query whenever I need it. Now I
simply pass my values and fields to the function and all is taken care

Insert to MySQL PDO Function

Below is a PDO insert function that I wrote to save me time from
constantly constructing the insert query whenever I need it. Now I
simply pass my values and fields to the function and all is taken care

Connect to MySQL database using PDO

Below is how to set up a PDO connection to a MySQL database.


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